Is this proof that systemd is completely broken?

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Mon Jul 14 00:50:08 UTC 2014

Rahul Sundaram writes:

> On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Timothy Murphy  wrote:
>    One of the problems with NM, in my view, is that it tries to do too much.
> This is one of the things that NM addresses with plugins so you can pick and  
> choose which features you want out of it.  Also by integrating with existing  
> tools, you don't have to go all or nothing.  As I noted earlier, in Rawhide  
> and Fedora 21, packages have already been split up.

Just wondering what I have to look forward to after upgrading a working  
Fedora 20 server, that currently sets up all network interfaces with static  
IP addresses, from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*; including several  
<ifname>:1 aliases, and including /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  
which assigned the right network interface name to the appropriate hardware  
network port – which has worked for about a decade now – to Fedora 21.

So, what exactly would be the probability of the server figuring out how to  
get back up on its network, after upgrading to Fedora 21; just wondering my  

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