Fedora-like Linux for 1.99GB RAM?

Sudhir Khanger sudhir at sudhirkhanger.com
Sun Jun 1 02:14:30 UTC 2014

On Jun 1, 2014 2:25 AM, "Wolfgang S. Rupprecht" <wolfgang at wsrcc.com> wrote:
> Oliver Ruebenacker <curoli at gmail.com> writes:
> > I need a new OS for an old computer, an about 10 years old x86. I
> > upgraded RAM from 500MB to 2GB, though Windows XP reports 1.99 GB.
> > I would have installed Fedora, but they say the requirements are at
> > least 4GB RAM.
> My trusty laptop which I have been updating since FC4 max's out at 2GB.
> Once booted, Cinammon logins work just fine as long as one doesn't run
> any memory pig (like Google Chrome with Adblock active).  That pushes
> things over the edge by a small amount of memory.  Closing Chrome gets
> me back under the magic 2GB boundry and things run at normal speed
> again.
> Booting does rattle the disk quite a bit.  I assume it is swapping, but
> I've learned to turn the laptop on before going to the kitchen to make
> coffee.  The laptop is always up and running by the time coffee is
> done. ;-)
> Why not try installing F20 and see if it works for you?
> -wolfgang
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Off topic. Is this email sent from your personal email server? I am asking
because Google shows a warning that they can't verify if this message was
sent by the wsrcc.com.

And OP you should install Fedora using minimal install with LXQt to keep
using some part of KDE.

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