Save everybody some surprises in Fedora 22!

Jonathan Dieter jdieter at
Mon Jun 9 16:18:30 UTC 2014

On 06/09/2014 04:15 PM, Andre Robatino wrote:
>> The time when DNF will take over from Yum in Fedora is nearing. We're
>> wondering: is there stuff people are still missing from DNF that they
>> have got recently in Yum? Or even something else! We've put together a
>> very short and simple survey. Let your opinion be heard!
> The list of missing yum options is both outdated and incomplete. For
> example, it's missing "includepkgs" (a repository option), for people who
> need to access specific packages from non-Fedora compatible repos. On the
> other hand, it includes "deltarpm", although dnf has supported this for a
> while now.

Deltarpms are working, but, as far as I can see, need to be manually 
enabled.  If we're going for consistency, deltarpms should be enabled by 
default if deltarpm is installed.


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