Save everybody some surprises in Fedora 22!

Andre Robatino robatino at
Mon Jun 9 17:12:37 UTC 2014

Jonathan Dieter <jdieter <at>> writes:

> > The list of missing yum options is both outdated and incomplete. For
> > example, it's missing "includepkgs" (a repository option), for people who
> > need to access specific packages from non-Fedora compatible repos. On the
> > other hand, it includes "deltarpm", although dnf has supported this for a
> > while now.
> Deltarpms are working, but, as far as I can see, need to be manually 
> enabled.  If we're going for consistency, deltarpms should be enabled by 
> default if deltarpm is installed.

Personally, I agree with this, since they reduce bandwidth for the mirrors
(whether they help at the user's end depends on the user's hardware and
bandwidth). I also think --best should be the default, since in
Rawhide/Branched people need to know about broken deps to deal with them
(hiding them isn't good, when a broken dep can prevent 100 packages that
need testing from updating), while in stable releases they aren't supposed
to happen anyway (hopefully better automation will actually ensure this).
But I'm more concerned with things that are completely missing (especially
if the survey doesn't include them) than about defaults that users have
control over.

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