Yum Update Cache out of Space Error

Stephen Morris samorris at netspace.net.au
Wed Jun 11 21:07:32 UTC 2014

On 06/11/2014 08:16 AM, Alchemist wrote:
> sync && du -hs /var/cache/yum /var/lib/yum && yum clean all && yum 
> makecache && du -hs /var/cache/yum /var/lib/yum
     I tried the commands you suggested, even though yum may have 
recovered itself as subsequent regular cache refreshes seem to have 
functioned successfully, which looked to have worked great. The 2 
directories referenced had 2.4G and 51M respectively of used space 
before the process started and 2.3G and 51M respectively after the 
process finished, so with that sort of space usage I'm confused as to 
why the issue occurred in the first place. Unless the message displayed 
wasn't what the issue actually was.


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