SSH question

Bill Oliver vendor at
Fri Jun 13 00:07:30 UTC 2014

On Fri, 13 Jun 2014, Ed Greshko wrote:

>> Here are the things that have kept sshd from working on new installations for me in the past.  I don't know which, if any, would apply to Fedora 20 today.
>> 1) As I remember, some ssh setups come configured so that they will only talk to localhost (though that may be ftp, not ssh).
> I think you're mixing that up with sendmail.  sshd will, by default, bind to all interfaces on port 22.

Yep, that's what I was thinking about.  Sorry, that's what I get from shooting from the hip.
>> 2) For some reason, I commonly had a problem with SeLinux blocking ssh.  I turn it off.
> Never had a problem with ssh and selinux.  Don't turn things off blindly.  If you think you have a selinux issue, investigate.

Our mileage certainly varies with this one.  Unfortunately, I hop around distros, so I can't remember if it was Fedora I had this issue with.  Nonetheless, I've had cases where SeLinux was blocking these ports.

>> 3) Sometimes I forget to set up the rsa keys and nothing will authenticate.
> When the sshd is started for the first time, the server certs will be generated.

Yes, I know.  However, I have, in the past, managed to screw things up tinkering with things, and had a hell of a time making it right again.


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