Save everybody some surprises in Fedora 22!

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Mon Jun 16 21:00:58 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 02:45:17PM +0200, Jan Zelený wrote:
> ad b) how many times have this feature actually saved you from erasing the 
> kernel? In 10+ years using Linux I have never managed to do this accidentally. 
> That being said, if users accidentally instruct yum to erase the running 
> kernel on a regular basis, we are will reconsider this argument. Hence the 
> poll ... feel free to reopen the bug too, otherwise it might get off the radar.

I don't know about the kernel option in specific, but the _general_ package
protection option (initially a plugin, and then integrated into the core as
it proved to be generally useful) has saved me many times, and probably more
importantly, I'm sure it's saved me saved me on support for systems where
the user has root access and or where students admin the machines.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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