Jitsi - Open Source Video Calls and Chat, Web Conferences, Desktop Sharing, Secure communications, Multi Platform, 32 & 64 bit version

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 20:35:49 UTC 2014

On 21.06.2014 21:29, lee wrote:
> poma <pomidorabelisima at gmail.com> writes:
>> On 21.06.2014 10:57, lee wrote:
>>> poma <pomidorabelisima at gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>> # yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi/nightly/rpm/jitsi.repo
>>>>>> # yum install jitsi
>>>>> Shouldn't there be a package for it in the Fedora repos?
>>>> Why would Fedora doubled all possible packages.
>>> Why would ppl install random untrusted packages which might work or
>>> screw up their system or create security issues rather than switch to a
>>> distribution that includes the packages they are interested in?
>> Good to know how grateful you are for someone else's hard work.
> What does the measure of anyones' gratefulness have to do with the risks
> that may arise from installing arbitrary packages?

You call packages builded by Jitsi folks "random untrusted packages which might work or
screw up their system or create security issues".
That was a "little" too much, even from you, lee.
If by chance you did not understand what you wrote, better not to comment.


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