how to keep firmware loaded

lee lee at
Fri Jun 27 10:39:22 UTC 2014

vlado99 <V.99 at> writes:

> On 20.6.2014 21:25, lee wrote:
>> Apparently the firmware is unloaded when the device becomes unused.
> Maybe the device firmware is not unloaded, it is just forget when
> unused device enters low power state/is powered off?

I don't know, it seems that the firmware is loaded every time the device
is being accessed, perhaps with a timeout.  I don't know of any way to
tell whether a device is powered down or not or how to tell whether
firmware is actually unloaded (is that even possible?) or not.

Loading the same firmware several times might be a bug.

Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)

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