enscript duplex not working

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Sun Mar 2 04:13:29 UTC 2014

I have used enscript in the past for printing off Internet Drafts two-up 
in duplex on my HP8600:

enscript -2r --margins=:::45 -DDuplex:true -P HP8600 

Worked fine in the past on my f17 install.  Well, you might recall that 
back in December I installed f20 with Gnome, so for the 1st time I used 
enscript to print off some IDs for next week's IETF meeting and duplex 
is not working.

Duplex works fine from Acrobat reader and LibreOffice when I select that 
option from the print dialog.  So I know I have duplex properly 
installed for the printer.  Enscript does not use Gnome print dialog, 
but sends directly somehow.

So any idea what I need to do for duplex printing?  I am heading for the 
plane in 12 hours, and don't want to lug more paper than I have to.

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