my stupid users trick -- the Firefox issue from earlier this month.wq

Bill Oliver vendor at
Sun Mar 23 23:03:40 UTC 2014

On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, Ed Greshko wrote:

> On 03/24/14 05:37, Bill Oliver wrote:
>       But that's OK.  The *problem* is that if I kill firefox by clicking on the kill-window button rather than the Quit button, the window goes away,
>       but firefox continues in the background.  Thus, if I kill firefox by closing the window, I can't start it again without running ps, finding the
>       process, and manually killing it.  It's an easy workaround, but a minor inconvenience.
> FWIW, I mostly use chrome, but I have seen cases where firefox continues to run in the background.  If memory serves me, in my case, it was due to the
> flash-plugin not exiting.
> Instead of using ps, you can simply use "killall /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox"   (note I'm running 64bit)
>       Worse, however, if I forget to do that and log out, appearently the next time I turn on KDE, it comes on as a background process but never shows
>       a window.  Once again, that's not a huge problem now that I know to look for it.
> You may find it helpful to do two things...
> 1.  Create a ~/.bash_logout which contains the killall command to make sure firefox is dead, dead on logout.
> 2.  If you are using KDE and your "session management" is set to "Restore previous session" it may be helpful to add firefox to the "Applications to be
> excluded...." list.

Great suggestions.  Thanks.


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