"Atomic"?? (was Re: Five Things in Fedora This Week (2014-03-25))

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 15:13:41 UTC 2014

On 26.03.2014 21:40, Matthew Miller wrote:

> Old mossbacks should know this one, especially if they have database or
> filesystem experience. An atomic transaction is one which can be safely
> considered as a single event, and a) failure puts you back as if it didn't
> happen and b) it is impossible for something else to access whatever is
> affected and find a partial state -- you either get the original or the
> update.
> A normal RPM or yum update is not atomic -- if you pull the plug partway
> through, or if it breaks for some reason, you are left in a middle state,
> and, if you access files belonging to packages being updated while the
> transaction is in progress, you may get surprises.
> "Partially atomic" usually refers to systems where safe rollbacks happen on
> failure, but where it might be possible to accidentally make an access while
> the thing is being changed with unpredictable results.

OK, these are the ancient Greeks' practices.
But, when is Fedora Bosonic ETA?


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