
Rick Stevens ricks at alldigital.com
Fri May 30 17:56:00 UTC 2014

On 05/30/2014 10:16 AM, Liam Proven issued this missive:
> On 30 May 2014 18:44, Rick Stevens <ricks at alldigital.com> wrote:
>> I use synergy all the time between F19 and F20 machines (the console is
>> currently on an F19 box).
>> On the F20 box (XFCE), right-click on the firewall icon and edit the
>> current zone (I'm using "Public"). Click on the "Ports" tab, then click
>> the "Add" button. In the pop-up, put in "24800" and the TCP protocol
>> and click "Save". That should open up the port for now.
>> If you want this to be permanent, click on the "Configuration" dropdown,
>> select "Permanent", and repeat the "Ports->Add" thing and save this
>> configuration for future boots.
>> You'll need to have port 24800/TCP open on ALL machines involved in
>> the synergy config. For full disclosure, here's my /etc/synergy.conf
>> file (and yes, it hasn't changed in six years despite all the updates
>> and rot that's gone on)
> Reassured that it should work, I'll continue to play. I added the port
> reservation on both sides, but the client still says it failed to
> connect - connection refused. Most annoying.
> It might be something to do with the work network config - I'll have to ask...

It smells suspiciously like the synergy server isn't running on the
machine with the keyboard and mouse. On the server as the root user,

	netstat -lpnt | grep synergy

and verify that synergys is running and listening on TCP port 24800:

	[root at prophead ~]# netstat -lpnt | grep synergy
	tcp        0      0 * 
LISTEN      3988/synergys

If it isn't, try to start it as the desktop user--NOT root. If it won't
start, figure out why first. Again, as the desktop user, you can try to
start it like:

	/usr/bin/synergys -f

That will start it in the foreground and should show you any errors it
may be generating (or you can just check /var/log/messages for previous
runs). Get those issues sorted first off.

Most likely it's a typo in the config file, either

	$HOME/.synergy.conf (the first place it looks) or

Note that if you're using "/etc/synergy.conf", make sure it has world-
read privileges as the desktop user MUST be able to read it.

Here's how I have them start up in my environment:

"prophead" (F19, XFCE) is the server with the keyboard and mouse. In
the XFCE config (Applications Menu->Settings->Session and
Startup->Application Autostart tab), I have it automatically start the
Synergy server using this command:


(and I use a global "/etc/synergy.conf" file). On the clients (e.g.
"golem4", my laptop), I have a similar autostart but the command starts
the client:

	/usr/bin/synergyc -d ERROR

where is the IP address of the Synergy server (prophead).

Hope that helps.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks at alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-        Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.        -

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