Can't re-create initrd

CLOSE Dave Dave.Close at
Sat Oct 11 20:29:16 UTC 2014

Heinz Diehl wrote:

> You could use dracut to recreate your initramfs?
> Works flawlessly (here as a test, with an old kernel):

While I am not familiar with dracut, I've looked at it a bit. I don't 
see a way to use it to modify an existing initrd, only to create a new 
one based on the running system. That's not my objective. I just want to 
make a small modification to the Fedora-supplied PXE initrd. Please 
recall that this initrd is not installed anywhere, nor is its associated 
kernel. Both are used only by anaconda during PXE boot.

Using lsinitrd on the original initrd, which works, and on my recreated 
one, which doesn't work, generates identical output except for the time 
stamps on the files. Are those significant?
Dave Close

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