Alternative for acroread (Adobe Reader) in LINUX?

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Fri Oct 17 13:57:06 UTC 2014

Funny, one sees these questions on the lists of all distros ....

With regards to filling-in form, sometimes one can manage around it, like Silvia wrote.
But when it comes to official PDF's from (regional) gouvernements, TAXes, etc etc, that are digitally signed, only acrobats seems to work.
And forget about using wine.

Only _really_ working solutions are either dual-boot, or a virtual-machine desktop.
Or perhaps a joined effort during Google summer event?


-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at [mailto:users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sylvia Sánchez
Sent: vrijdag 17 oktober 2014 15:15
To: joachim.backes at; Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Alternative for acroread (Adobe Reader) in LINUX?

Use  "pdf import"  tool.  It's a Libreoffice addon.  That tool allows you to open your pdfs, edit them and save them as odg or export  them as pdf again.
Another useful  tool is Okular, which is a stand alone for pdf.

Hope it helps,
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