upgrade to kde plasma 5 from 4

Sudhir Khanger ml at sudhirkhanger.com
Tue Oct 21 04:28:53 UTC 2014

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 7:36 AM, William Biggs <kc8pdr at ohioham.com> wrote:
> I running kde in fedora 20 I would like to know how do I upgrade from kde 4
> to kde plasma 5 ?

1. Install KDE frameworks

yum install kf5-\*

2. Add copr repo

dnf copr enable dvratil/plasma-5

3. Install Plasma 5.

yum install plasma-5

You will have to deal with conflicts if any. You could remove them for
now and install them back after you have installed Plasma 5.

Remember Plasma 5 is still a work in progress. Here is the list[1] of
known bugs in Plasma 5.

More information:-

[1] https://community.kde.org/Plasma/5.1_Errata

Sudhir Khanger,
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