lto/xfs filesystem recover.

Gary Artim gartim at
Wed Oct 29 16:03:19 UTC 2014

I have a xfs filesystem (4 drives) and one died /dev/sdc1. It was used for
backup and trying to recover one directory. Any ideas would be great. I was
able to drop the volume that died and have a pv of 3 now, but getting lvm
to recognize (create a dev) is not happening

parted /dev/sdx
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary xfs 1 -1 (sometime xfs doesnt work until the xfsprogs are
installed and reboot)
set 1 lvm on

do this for each drive.
pvcreate /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1
vgcreate backup /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1
lvcreate -L 9T -n backuplv backup
mkfs.xfs -L backuplv /dev/mapper/backup-backuplv
/dev/mapper/backup-backuplv /xfs xfs   (in fstab)

any ideas welcomed.
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