rc.local not start at the boot

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Wed Oct 29 23:51:12 UTC 2014

On 10/29/14 22:08, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
> angelo_dev at zorro rc.d]$ cat /tmp/syncronize.log
> + rsync -av --delete '--include=*/' '--include=*.java' '--include=*.form' '--exclude=*' /home/programmers/java/PROJECTS_development/ /media/PRTZ-src_sync

OK....  This means that the script syncronize-java_srcs.sh ran.....but is still failing for some unknown reason.

I replicated, as far as I know, your environment and I recreated the problem.  I have made a guess....and have fixed it.

In your rc.local file change this line....


to this

su -c '/etc/rc.d/syncronize-java_srcs.sh' programmers

and it should be fine.

If you can't laugh at yourself, others will gladly oblige.

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