External drive is being mounted as read-only

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Mon Sep 1 21:07:36 UTC 2014

On 09/01/14 22:04, Sudhir Khanger wrote:
> I haven't had time to look into it myself but more I read about ext4
> your tryst explaining me earlier becomes more clear that permissions
> persist with the filesystem. Now that I think more about it one
> possibility is that I use same username across systems which might
> have made it possible to mount with RW without superuser privileges.

Please be careful to use the correct terminology.  Failure to do so in the future may cause people to misunderstand you.

The drive is being mounted RW.  It has nothing to do with "superuser privileges".  The RO vs RW was fixed when the journal was recovered as a result of "fsck" being run.

The drive is RW.  The user was unable to write to it due to "permission" issues.

You also need to read up on that and ownership.  man chmod and man chown may be helpful in your understanding.
> I also did following to the ext4 drive.
> chown $USER:$USER /run/media/$USER/storjet
> That is all I had to do and the drive seems to not give heartache
> anymore. Home user has all the privileges I need.

And, as others have already pointed out, it is the numerical UID/GID being the same across all systems which makes it work.  I mentioned all of this earlier on in this thread....
> Now time to run that attic-backup.
> Thanks again Ed.

Welcome and enjoy....

If you can't laugh at yourself, others will gladly oblige.
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