Dell iDRAC access on F20

CLOSE Dave Dave.Close at
Tue Sep 30 21:53:11 UTC 2014

I wrote:
> My iDRAC access worked fine on earlier versions of Fedora but hasn't
> been working for F20. I've enabled and started serial-getty at ttyS1 and
> insured ttyS1 is listed in /etc/securetty, but serial access usually
> doesn't see anything. A few times I've seen the string of garbage that
> is characteristic of a mismatched data rate, but sending BREAKs doesn't
> cause anything to appear. What am I missing?

The problem is fixed if I remove the "--keep-baud" option from the 
serial-getty at .service (then "systemctl daemon-reload" and "systemctl 
restart serial-getty at ttyS1").

Obviously, this presents a risk when the systemd package is updated. 
Perhaps I'll open a bug report.
Dave Close

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