Is Hibernate going to be fixed any time soon?

Ranjan Maitra maitra.mbox.ignored at
Sun Apr 19 18:12:26 UTC 2015

> >> Do consider the audience you sent this mail to, though.
> >> It isn't the power management subsystem developer community..
> > This is what I have been recommended to do after reporting a S2D bug on the Linux
> > kernel bugzilla:
> >
> > "Posting to the PM mailing list should be appropriate:
> > linux-pm at" PM stands for power management.
> >
> I appreciate everyone's input about this issue.
> But all these suggestions beg the question:
> Are all the developers who must do unit and system
> tests before blessing their production as ready to shiip,
> ignorant of (I mean do not know about) this issue?
> I refuse to believe that.

Well, if it is a kernel issue, then F is not to blame. Regardless, these are volunteers and enthusiasts so if something is not tested and reported, then it can be passed over unless they care about and use the feature. F following U and D (and who knows who else) in refusing to enable hibernate by default has further facilitated the hibernate feature not being used as often. Therefore, this feature is no longer as tested as it used to be, leading to smaller chances of these anomalies being noticed.

Recall that for a long time long ago, suspend did not work on F (because some switch was not turned on at resume), and I had to stay on the case of the maintainer for a long time. You have to face the issue to be able to report, then actually report, and then stay on the case till it gets resolved. 

Best wishes,

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