WiFi restoration

Timothy Murphy gayleard at eircom.net
Fri Apr 24 23:47:59 UTC 2015

Matthew Miller wrote:

>> However, I didn't know computers (other than phones) had an Airplane
>> mode. Another thing that could be tried would be to rmmod the wifi driver

> They usually do -- look at
> https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/rfkill.txt
> and if you're curious, try the 'rfkill' command (packaged in Fedora,
> not to my knowledge installed by default). Or you can use 'nmcli
> radio'.
> I don't know if this will necessarily reboot the wireless card, though.

Thanks for the suggestion.
I've used "rfkill unblock" before, but it never struck me
that Airplane mode on my Android phone uses rfkill.

Actually, it sounds quite plausible,
as I think the problem is probably with the kernel
rather than NetworkManager.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

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