SD card programing -

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Wed Apr 29 21:18:42 UTC 2015

Just a thought,
I did some experimenting with thumbdrives and (mini/micro)-SDcards.
Most laptops do not recognize SD-drives as bootable media, but when you put them into a usb-adapter they work OK. 

Also making a card bootable on one adapter, does not garantee 
That it will be bootable in a different sort of (multi slot) usb-adapter....

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

> Op 29 apr. 2015 om 22:57 heeft "bobgoodwin at" <bobgoodwin at> het volgende geschreven:
> On 04/29/15 16:29, jd1008 wrote:
>> There are several micro SD card adapters on Ebay for very cheap price.
>> The only thing you need to look at your fedora machine is a thin slot 
>> that
>> is slightly more than an inch in width which accepts the Macro size SD 
>> card.
>> So, adapters which are of the Macro SD card size, accept micro SD cards
>> as inserts, and of course, you insert the Macro SD card adapter into 
>> the thin
>> slot mentioned above.
>> If you have no such slot on your Fedora Machine, you can by a USB adapter
>> that has micro and Macro  SD card slots. Again Ebay is your friend.
> There are no such 'thin slots' on these computers unless there's a 
> socket on a mother board that I am not aware of, I built them all in 
> rack style cases and Know what's there. And yes I've found some bargains 
> on Ebay ...
> So it will have to be a USB card reader apparently. I've accumulated a 
> lot of information as a result of this question and have saved most of it.
> Thanks to everyone,
> Bob
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