F21 partitioning circus

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Sun Feb 22 22:19:26 UTC 2015

On 02/22/2015 02:01 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> If
> you, who seems to care about such things so much, won't do that work,
> then why should anyone else do it?

I haven't done any programming worth mentioning since the late '80s and 
never learned python.  My impression was that back then, anaconda used 
whatever standard partitioning programs were available, rather than 
rolling their own.

Let me ask you this: could I, if needed, boot from a Live Gpartd CD/USB, 
set up and format things the way I wanted and then use those existing 
partitions when installing Fedora?  If so, that's all I'd need because 
what I want, mostly, is a way to use my existing layout because it's 
grown up piece by piece, and it's easier for me to use it than to back 
everything up, reformat and try to shoehorn what I have into whatever 
layout anaconda wants to stick me with.

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