VM access to base system files

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Thu Jan 1 13:22:48 UTC 2015

On 12/31/2014 10:55 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz writes:
>> I just did a little test.  If my focus is on the VM, it gets the USB 
>> mount, and the host OS does not.  If my focus is on a host OS window, 
>> it gets the USB mount and the VM does not see it.  So that prevents 
>> two writers to the one device.
> Really? If I plug in USB storage, I always have to futz around with 
> the VM's settings, manually select "add new USB device", find the new 
> USB storage device, and only then Windows 7 that's running in my VM 
> sees it.

My base OS is F21/Xfce and the VM is also F21/Xfce.  This might have 
something to do with USB seeming to work right.

> This might be a new virtual USB hardware "device" that I have to 
> switch to, does anyone know this for sure? This is probably somewhat 
> similar to how audio support evolved over time. When I set up my first 
> Windows 7 VM, there was no audio passthrough from the VM to the real 
> audio. I kind of let it go, after Googling that, on an off, for a year 
> or so. A few releases of Fedora later, a second Windows 7 VM install 
> suddenly had sound. Comparing the two VMs, the older one showed 
> "Display: VNC", the new VM had "Display: Spice". After changing the 
> older VM's setting, I suddenly had audio.
> If KVM can now automatically grab USB storage if the VM has input 
> focus, this would certainly be a very nice jump in functionality, if I 
> could only figure out how to make it do that, now…

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