Adding shortcut to desktop

Dario Lesca d.lesca at
Sat Jan 17 14:17:33 UTC 2015

Il giorno ven, 16/01/2015 alle 18.35 -0500, Alex Regan ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I have a fedora21 desktop that I'm building for my father-in-law and 
> have installed gnome-tweak-tool to enable icons on the desktop. Now, I'd 
> like to add an icon on the desktop to automatically start a qemu 
> instance of windows7. I'd even settle for an icon that opens 
> virt-manager in such a way as to be able to start the instance.
> How about adding it to the menu that appears when you move the mouse all 
> the way to the left?

In Gnome 3 do a new launcher in a personal folder (without a terminal)
like Desktop, is a very hard think!

Some (not line command) solution:

a) Install and use a shell extension (connection-manager).

b) yum install alacarte, but this apps put the launcher into menu, not
in a generic folder.

c) install another file manager, like caja or thunar an use it to create
a launcher.

d) in your home folder Model, create a new text file called "New
Launcher.desktop", set the execution flag on and put into it somethings
like this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Type=Application
> Terminal=true
> Exec=read -p pausa
> Name=New launcher
> Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audacity.svg  
now you can open a folder and do "New Document/New launcher", then
modify it* via right click property.
* nautilus is a poor launcher maker, you do not modify all if you want,
and if you want change the icona ... is a very hard (and ridiculous)

e) other way suggested from other user.

Hope this help.


Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 21 con Gnome 3.14)

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