End of 32-bit support?

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Tue Jan 20 16:53:09 UTC 2015

Once upon a time, Dave Ihnat <dihnat at dminet.com> said:
> Frankly, simply dropping 32-bit support would be one of the more stu--er,
> ill-considered--moves Redhat could make.

So, since nobody is proposing that, I guess it is good?

This thread started with a Phoronix "summary" of a blog post, not any
actual proposal.  Reading the actual blog actually suggests a proposal
to move 32-bit archs to "secondary" arch status, where somebody would
need to form a team, set up builders, etc., but that's a "known" thing
that some other archs already do.  IIRC the idea has been tossed around
before even.  If there's enough interest to keep 32-bit archs running,
then a team of people would need to step up to do the necessary work.

In any case, no concrete proposal has been made yet, and when one is,
there will be discussion.
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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