F21 - Refreshing DHCP lease on ethernet

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 16:30:39 UTC 2015

On 22.01.2015 15:01, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 01/22/2015 08:51 AM, poma wrote:
>> On 21.01.2015 16:13, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> I am using ethernet to connect to a firewall I am configuring.  My
>>> initial connection did not have any dhcp config info (because I had not
>>> configured the server) like DNS servers and the like.  I have since
>>> configed the firewall, but cannot get this information to my system.  I
>> This should explain a "little" clearer.
>>> tried:
>>> ifdown p6p1; ifup p6p1
>> $ rpm -qf $(which ifdown) $(which ifup)
>> initscripts-9.56.1-6.fc21.x86_64
>> initscripts-9.56.1-6.fc21.x86_64
>> Should ask someone who actually uses this rather outdated method.
>> Plus biosdevname, eh.
>>> And that did not refresh the dhcp information.  I deleted the lease on
>>> the firewall and bounced the ethernet with no changes. /etc/resolv still
>>> does not have my DNS server addresses.
>>> With WiFi, I would have turned off the radio, turned it back on,
>>> connected to my SSID and (normally) gotten the new lease info.
>>> BTW, this is a F21/Gnome setup (have not found the time to upgrade this
>>> notebook to F22...)
>> Also, should ask someone who actually uses GNOME.
>> Besides why do you refer to Fedora 22?
> Sometimes I really wonder where my thoughts are.  This 'old' notebook is 
> F20/Gnome.  It is scheduled to upgrade to F21/Xfce unless I start using 
> it for F22 beta testing.
> I am changing my ISP and struggling with their gateway and how to 
> configure a real router/firewall behind it.  So my attention is divided 
> in too many directions.  This ISP has seriously dumbed down their 
> gateway and I keep hitting limitations.  Just this morning I figured out 
> that if I implement virtual routers on MY router/firewall, I can fix 
> most of the limitations I have encountered.  Perhaps after I get this 
> figured out, I can sell it back to them!

Do you have any admin level access on ISP device?

> I have 3 systems in testing:  One 'native' behind their firewall. One 
> external (on my current ISP).  And one behind my firewall.  It is this 
> one that keeps getting new settings as I test out different combinations 
> where I am getting tired of not DHCP settings not getting updated.
> It is past time for me to learn nmcli instead of using old methods like 
> ifdown/ifup as you said.  I am right now reading various docs on nmcli.  
> I suspect nmcli may replace my use of iwlist and other wireless commands 
> I sometimes fall back on.
> So back to reading up on nmcli.
> And getting virtual router config working on my firewall.  Much of it is 
> deciding what addressing structure I want to use as the addressing gets 
> so buried in the firewall rules as to make address changes challenging.

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