F21 - Refreshing DHCP lease on ethernet

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 17:21:21 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com> wrote:
> i was finally kicked out of my lethargy about ifconfig/ip with the F21-arm
> testing. Things about my interfaces just did not work right. ifconfig code
> is 'frozen', I have been told, and new stuff may not work quite as you
> suspect.
> So 'ip' is the direct interaction with IP and the interfaces. 'nmcli' is to
> tell NetworkMangiler what you want done.
> I HAVE switched to 'ip'. I can learn 'nmcli' (I keep telling myself!)

For the time being (it'll depend on my $dayjob's security policies),
I'm not planning to learn nmcli beyond the following commands.

List ssids:
nmcli dev wifi l

Get ip address, gateway, and name servers (not typed in, one-line script):
nmcli -f IP c s id $(nmcli -t -f NAME c s)

The latter has a nicer output by default than "ip a s dev wlan0 ; ip r
s dev wlan0 ; cat /etc/resolv.conf".

I modify NM settings by editing the keyfiles under

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