Awk and sort (of text files)

Cameron Simpson cs at
Thu Jul 2 00:49:39 UTC 2015

On 01Jul2015 22:49, Bill Oliver <vendor at> wrote:
>On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>On 01Jul2015 10:19, jd1008 <jd1008 at> wrote:
>>>On 06/30/2015 08:02 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 30 Jun 2015, jd1008 wrote:
>>>> > > > Personally I tend to use a nontexty character for this 
>>>kind of > > > placeholder, such as ^G. Less risk of excountering 
>>>that in the input > > > text, and therefore less risk of 
>>>accidentally mangling it.
>>>> > Eliminate risk.
>>>> Replace all strings of e's with another string of e's, one e longer.
>>>> Replace the intra-paragraph newlines with one e each.
>>>> Sort.
>>>> Undo the previous replacements.
>>>> If, for some reason, one does not like e, use a vertical stroke.
>>>> You misquote.
>>>I did not make the comment you attribute to me.
>>Indeed, but it looks like Michael Hennebry misquoted. As I made that
>Would it help if I said I *wished* I'd made the comment?

Probably. It would add to the goodwill in the group. Or I would hope it would, 

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

If I look over my life, every single step of maturing for me, every
single one, has had the exact same common denominator, and that was
accepting what was true over what I wished were true. - Julia Sweeney

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