F22 unusable - system freezes on login

Matthew Woehlke mwoehlke.floss at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 19:05:41 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-02 13:56, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> I recently installed F22 (KDE spin) from scratch on a new Dell M6800.
>> The Live CD seems to run okay, but when I try to boot the installed OS,
>> it freezes when I try to log in. The machine is effectively unusable as
>> a result.
> Is it actual frozen?

The login *process chain* is frozen. On a "good day" (although I don't
think this has been the case since the originally-installed kernel) I
can switch to a different TTY and futilely try again.

> Or you just can't see anything on the display?

The display is unchanged; I still see the login dialog / prompt /
whatever was on screen previously. (Although with updated kernels, TTY
switching results in an unrecoverable black screen.)

> Can you ssh into it?

Ah... no?

>> This affects login regardless of the method: graphical, tty, *SSH* [...]
(emphasis added)

That is, ssh connects, but the login never completes and I never get to
a shell. I get "Last login: [...]", and then nothing; it's stuck at that
point. (And if I kill ssh and try again, I can still connect, so indeed,
the kernel is still alive.)

(In my various attempts to make things better in emergency mode - the
only way I've been able to get a usable shell - I was able to enable
sshd and coax the network into coming up on boot.)

> Try booting with boot parameter nomodeset. Does that change anything?

Hmm... Yes. Seems to work okay with nomodeset. But why does that break
*ssh*? (And where - that is, against what - do I file a bug report?)


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