telnet session closing with ^]

Matthew Woehlke mwoehlke.floss at
Thu Jul 9 17:24:00 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-09 12:40, Maurizio Marini wrote:
> When I use telnet inside Konsole,
> to close telnet:

Please tell me you're connecting to a *really* old and/or dumb device
and not another at-least-semi-modern *nix machine. If not... just do
yourself a HUGE favor and use SSH. (Seriously... even if you don't
[think you] need the encryption, use ssh. For one, it's 'kill' sequence
is enter,'~','.', which is very unlikely to ever be consumed by any
terminal emulator.)

> once upon a time, pressing 
> Contr and ] 
> closed telnet session, now it enlarge fonts, sadly.

KF5? You could try asking on Konsole's list and/or filing a bug. It
seems to work on KDE4 (Fedora 20).

> I have searched into 
> Konsole/Settings/Edit currente Profile.../Keyboard
> Kde Menu/Settings/System settings/Shortcuts and Gestures
> but I haven't found anything relevant

Did you try Konsole/Settings/Configure Shortcuts?


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