GNOME applications do not respect the chosen XFCE style

Ralf Corsepius rc040203 at
Wed Jul 15 08:44:52 UTC 2015

On 07/14/2015 07:11 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 06:10:05 +0200
> Ralf Corsepius <rc040203 at> wrote:
>> Could you be more verbose. What exactly are people supposed to
>> install and which themes/settinga are known to work?
> Any theme that has both a gtk2 and gtk3 version should mostly work.
> adwaita-gtk2-theme.x86_64
> albatross-gtk2-theme.noarch
> albatross-gtk3-theme.noarch
> bluebird-gtk2-theme.noarch
> bluebird-gtk3-theme.noarch
> clearlooks-phenix-gtk2-theme.noarch
> clearlooks-phenix-gtk3-theme.noarch
> egtk-gtk2-theme.noarch
> egtk-gtk3-theme.noarch
> greybird-gtk2-theme.noarch
> greybird-gtk3-theme.noarch
> light-gtk2-theme.noarch
> light-gtk3-theme.noarch
> zukini-gtk2-theme.noarch
> zukini-gtk3-theme.noarch
> zukitwo-gtk2-theme.noarch
> zukitwo-gtk3-theme.noarch
> zukiwi-gtk2-theme.noarch
> zukiwi-gtk3-theme.noarch

Thanks for the list. I'll check if I can find a functional combo 
throughout the next couple of days.

> Or any locally installed one in ~/.themes that has both gtk2/gtk3.

I don't have such folder - Is it supposed to be present and/or created?

> Of course some have bettter coverage than others...
>> At least I have not been able to find any xfce/gtk2/gtk3 theme combo
>> which harmonizes well with gnome3-apps under xfce on fc22 and
>> deserves to be named "functional".
>> IMO, it's all an annoying and dysfunctional mess.
> Well, adwaita is supposed to (it has a gtk2 version as well).

adwaita doesn't seem to work. It seems to be being ignored by Firefox 
and Thunderbird and not harmonize well with some gnome3 apps (eg. 

Of those I've tried so far, clearlooks-phenix seems to be closest to be 
functional with most apps, unfortunately it seems to have problems in 
computing the geometry/position of certains widgets correcty (I haven't 
tried to investigate deeper, yet).


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