Disk partition

Robin Laing MeSat at TelusPlanet.net
Sun Jul 19 19:25:46 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-19 12:15, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 07/19/2015 11:06 AM, g wrote:
>> if such is critically related to /etc/fstab, partition magic has a
>> live cd you can boot to restructure partitions and the open fstab to
>> edit changes.
> Even better, edit /etc/fstab to refer to partitions by UUID instead of
> device name if it doesn't already.  The various drives don't always
> respond to probing in the same order (No, I don't know why.) meaning
> that the numbering might change from one boot to the next, but the UUID
> remains stable.

I will second this comment.  Ran into the problem in the past.

Since I started using UUID, then I have not had any issues.

You can find out the partition UUID by
	ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/

As an example in /etc/fstab change

/dev/sdb3 	/opt/Steam		ext4  defaults 1 2


UUID=bb998e5b-a9ad-4539-825f-41b6e1c665b0 /opt/Steam 
   ext4    defaults    1 2

Once you do this, you can add or remove partitions and drives as you 
wish and the correct partition will be found each time.  No need to 
worry about the order they show up in.

I would also use gparted as explained in another post.

You can move and resize partitions around as needed.  DO BACKUP if you 
are going to resize partitions just in case.  I have resized and moved 
partitions with gparted on both Linux and Windows 8.1 machines with no 
issues yet.

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