dnf update vs Software Udpates

Heinz Diehl htd+ml at fritha.org
Wed Jul 22 15:41:48 UTC 2015

On 22.07.2015, Suvayu Ali wrote: 

> I'm sorry but "clean all" is not necessary at all!  "clean metadata" or
> "clean expire-cache" should be sufficient.  


> That said, I sometimes do not understand what's the harm in getting
> updates few hours later.  dnf already tells you how old the metadata is
> when it starts, you can choose to get the latest metadata if it is too
> old.  So what's the big deal?

I usually update weekly (or at least once within two weeks). And since
F22, I get "nothing to do" every time I do this - although there are
updates waiting. Which is.. annoying. So every time I have to clean
the cache to be able to update.

This was at least not how yum behaved. But if it's intended behaviour
now, well...

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