Blinking wifi light - Intel Pro Dell Wireless WIFI 3945 card in Dell D630 Laptop

Max Pyziur pyz at
Mon Jul 27 20:32:10 UTC 2015


I swapped out a stock Broadcom wifi card for an Intel 3945 card and now my 
Wifi indicator light blinks continually. I tried some of the 
recommendations that I've found (create an /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf 
file with the line:
options iwlwifi led_mode=1

Subsequent rebooting does nothing to eliminate the annoyance.

The reason that I swapped out the Broadcom card is because it would stop 
functioning after a certain irregular period of time, and
"systemctl restart NetworkManager" would not restart it (resorting to 
plugging in the ethernet cable, or rebooting).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (either how to keep the 
Broadcom card from dying, or getting rid of the Intel card causing the 
wifi light to blink).

Thank you.

Max Pyziur
pyz at

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