fragile Live Fedora ? Device-mapper Snapshot vs. Layered Fs solution (AUFS or Overlayfs)

Chris Murphy lists at
Thu Jul 30 18:28:02 UTC 2015

Also, overlayfs is really recently added to the kernel. It's much much
newer than device mapper stuff. So I wouldn't call it immature. You
might be thinking of the thin provisioning snapshots which is much
newer, but still has been around longer than overlayfs. But I don't
think the live media is using thin snapshots (?) I think they're the
conventional (thick) type.

Chris Murphy

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Chris Murphy <lists at> wrote:
> Could be this:
> However I don't see the same snapshot message in that bug, that you get.
> --
> Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy

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