F22 and the RPI2B

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Thu Jun 11 14:22:47 UTC 2015

On 11/06/15 08:59, Jon Ingason wrote:
> By the way have you enabled "PermitRootLogin" in the
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config? Remove # in the start of the line:
> #PermitRootLogin yes
> Look at man sshd_config for futher information.
> -- Regards Jon Ingason


Did that in addition to changing root in /etc/shadow. It booted and gave 
me a text screen I've never seen before asking to set language, 
password, etc. I set the password but apparently did not close it 
correctly, it didn't work and worse yet that apparently only comes up 
once. I can't get back to it, it goes directly to the graphic login 
screen and I have no keyboard/mouse control which I would like to 
investigate via ssh ...

The changes I made are still there, nut something triggers the text 
screen for pass word entry, what?

At this point all I can do is start over with another sd card.

Your help has been valuable, thanks,


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-22/64bit LINUX XFCE

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