using a local computer for a remote install of F22...

dwoody5654 dwoody5654 at
Sat Jun 20 03:36:42 UTC 2015

I would like to perform a remote install for F22 but use a computer on 
the local network for the vnc connection.
I have the following in grub:

linux /boot/vmlinuz-remote 
repo=hd:sda4:/Fedora-Server-netinst-i386-22.iso noselinux 
ks.device=00:00:00:00:000:05 ks=hd:sda4:/ks.cfg --noip6 vnc 
vncconnect= vncpassword=xxxxxx ramdisk_size=8192 panic=30

It goes to the internet to find
I have 2 nic cards, 1 goes to the internet and the other is for local 

I have not been able to find the setting I need for the vnc connection 
to use the local network nic.

Is the setting I need go in grub.cfg or in ks.cfg?

Thanks for any help,


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