Journal question

jd1008 jd1008 at
Mon Jun 29 20:02:13 UTC 2015

On 06/29/2015 01:53 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 06/29/2015 12:49 PM, jd1008 wrote:
>> On 06/29/2015 01:39 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>>> Somebody on a web forum, posted a very good question, that I can't
>>> answer, but would like to.  In this post on systemd-commits:
>>> there's this statement:
>>> systemctl: "Journal has been rotated since unit was started." message
>>> is misleading
>>> Does anybody here understand what's misleading?
>> It just means that some unit (somename.service) was started and
>> then the log was rotated (i.e. the log was saved with the time-date
>> appended to it's name)
>> and a new log started.
> That's not the question.  What the original asker and I both want to 
> know is, why is the message misleading?
So, is systemctl saying the message is misleading
or is the OP saying it is misleading?
If the OP, then the answer is the OP does not understand systemctl, log 
rotation ...etc.
If systemctl - then just browse the source code of systemd:

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