Emacs and Ibus in Fedora-21

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Mon Mar 30 07:53:03 UTC 2015

On 03/30/15 13:28, Stuart McGraw wrote:
> I tried that but get the same results with a new user as well.
> One thing it did notice in the .emacs file (pristine from
> /etc/skel/) were the lines:
>   ;;; uncomment for CJK utf-8 support for non-Asian users
>   ;; (require 'un-define)
> I uncommented but the only result was an error when I started
> emacs:
>   File error: Cannot open load file,
>     no such file or directory, un-define
> However that is probably a red herring as emacs and CJK worked
> for you without changing that.
> One thing I wondered though... do you have a ~/.Xresources file
> and if so, is there anything in it referring to emacs or to XIM? 

First, I do not have a ~/.emacs file.  I only have a ~/.emacs.d directory with a auto-save-list subdirectory which is empty.  Also, /etc/skel/ is empty.

[egreshko at meimei ~]$ cat .Xresources
XTerm*background: #ffffff
XTerm*foreground: #000000

Nothing referencing XIM in my env

[egreshko at meimei ~]$ env | grep -i xim
[egreshko at meimei ~]$

I do have...

[egreshko at meimei ~]$ env | grep -i ibus

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