F21: why Fedora still has not alternative init?

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Tue May 5 16:24:58 UTC 2015

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 05:24:23AM -0800, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> see RancherOS
> http://rancher.com/rancher-os/
> ``Eliminates need for complex init systems
> RancherOS eliminates the need for complex init systems like systemd.
> Systemd and Docker don’t work well together as they both attempt to
> manage control groups. Using a simple configuration file,
> administrators can easily configure system services as Docker
> containers.''
> I am actually surprised and puzzled by this!  I thought Fedora was
> bleeding edge* and was the pioneer of new technologies* but now
> someone else is leading the init* technologies. Yes there was upstart
> by ubuntu, there is uslessD, and other non systemd software out there
> but these guys they may have a mission*

Well, I'd count the "systemd and docker don't work together well"
bit with some degree of skepticism. But, on the larger point:

Fedora doesn't strive to be bleeding edge. We strive to be the first to
offer the newest and best of _functional_ open source software. And
that's a hard balance to get right — sometimes, eager contributors and
developers get things into Fedora that _aren't_ quite ready. Other
times, we're too conservative.

But I also don't see systemd as a crux of this. Another hot new minimal
startup distribution, CoreOS, is _based around_ systemd.

In any case, the Fedora.next initiative
<http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next> is an attempt to work on
this balance in new and different ways, with Fedora Cloud in particular
being a space for experimenting with some of these new concepts (as
that's sort of the incubation space for new OS technologies in the
world at large right now).

> Debian--> Devuan
> Fedora --> Fedoruan?  

If you're interested in exploring a remix like that, see
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix> (although note that "Fedoruan"
is probably not acceptable with our trademark guidelines).

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader

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