Biting the bullet?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Fri May 22 15:22:47 UTC 2015

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 09:54:07AM -0500, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> $ fpaste pdf-stapler.spec 
> Uploading (2.3KiB)...
> ->

Hmmm, first thing here — you're asking for python3-devel but calling
%{__python} (which is currently %{__python2}) instead of
% %{__python3}, and you're using the python2 sitelib.

> However, it "crashes" after installation:
> pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pypdf==1.12

We actually have pyPdf in the distro. However, it's 1.13. Try:

at the top of the file:

  %define         pypdfversion  1.13

requires line:

   Requires:       pyPdf = %{pypdfversion}

(no need for BuildRequires), and then put this after %setup

  for f in stapler.egg-info/requires.txt ; do
    sed -i 's/pypdf == 1.12/pypdf == %{pypdfversion}/g' $f

Having made these changes, your specfile works for me and pdf-stapler
appears to run — at least, it does not crash.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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