F22: XFCE issues

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Wed May 27 21:06:22 UTC 2015

On 05/27/2015 01:48 PM, Marco Guazzone wrote:
> $ dnf group install XFCE

I'm not familiar with dnf as yet, but that doesn't look quite right.  In 
yum, I know, it would look like this:

yum group install "Xfce Desktop"

Has the name of the group changed?

> installs kernel debug stuff (kernel-debug-core, kernel-debug-modules,...).
> I have to remove them after installation.

That doesn't sound right.  I can't check, because I have some of that 
installed because abrt has needed it for bug reports.  You might want to 
check at the official Xfce forum, http://forum.xfce.org/index.php 
because they'll know more than people who don't use it will.

> Also, XFCE runs gnome-shell!
> Unless I miss something from last XFCE updates, I think this is wrong

That looks wrong; very, very wrong.  I use Xfce, and don't even have 
gnome-shell installed.  (Among other things, I use Compiz, which 
gnome-shell refuses to support.)  You may still be using gdm, the gnome 
greeter, because I know that it has some odd dependencies, and may be 
doing something funny in the background.  Try installing lightdm, then 
enable it, mask gdm and reboot.  That way, you know it's not running, 
but you haven't burnt any bridges.  In any event, good luck getting this 
fixed and keep us informed.

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