F22 Install with inst.nodnf boot option

Andrew Bickley netproz at q.com
Mon Nov 2 23:47:12 UTC 2015


After ending up with the f22 debug kernel unexpectedly and then 
painfully learning it's 10 times slower than the non-debug kernel and 
searching how that happened and finding bug # 1192189; I tried a 
reinstall of f22 using the inst.nodnf boot option at the anaconda boot 
menu yet once the install completes it doesn't seem to work any 
differently than when I don't use the inst.nodnf boot option. In the 
release notes par. 3.2.1 it seems to say I can revert back to yum 
*without* resorting to yum-deprecated. The docs on this are virtually 
non-existent to explain what it's actually supposed to look like once 
it's done processing inst.nodnf.

Can someone tell me what an F22 install is supposed to look like when 
using the inst.nodnf boot option? My experience has been it doesn't do 
anything. In reading about this I saw that previous versions had a 
similar inst.dnf option; however since I never used that option I have 
no reference points for what that command does either so I cannot even 
guess what the opposite might look like.



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