Scale grub resolution on a HiDef screen (Fedora 23)?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Wed Nov 18 23:41:56 UTC 2015

On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 16:21:20 -0700
CS DBA wrote:

> Anyone have any ideas?

Well, there used to be something like a SYSFONT=
kernel parameter to tell it what font to use
in the text console. I have no idea if it
still works. It doesn't seem to have been stuck
on the kernel boot lines in my f23 install.

I once made a latarcyrheb-sun32 font by doubling
all the pixel dimensions in the normal
latarcyrheb-sun16 and using that in SYSFONT.


I have no idea if anything works the same way
now though, but the font now seems to be in
the released fonts shipped with f32 as:


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