dnf group install with-optional but only some options?

Honza Å ilhan jsilhan at redhat.com
Thu Nov 19 14:13:17 UTC 2015

> From: "Ted Roche" <tedroche at gmail.com>
> Putting together a development workstation for PHP and Ruby work, and
> was hoping the group install option would speed the time picking and
> choosing the many packages.
> Is it possible to install only one or two of the "Optional groups" or
> is it an all-or-nothing choice?

If you install one environment group (list of groups) then you can install
all optional packages from groups (with `with-optional`) it contains or none
optional. You can do `dnf group info <env>` as you already did and install
mandatory groups `dnf group install <env>` + for each optional group:
`dnf group install <opt_grp>`.

> The help for group install in the man pages and
> http://dnf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/command_ref.html  shows the
> 'with-optional' phrase:
> dnf [options] group install [with-optional] <group-spec>...
> So, the optional groups pretty much include everything except the
> kitchen sink, and I wonder if I can avoid installing a couple of
> languages and two databases I don't need, or if I should just skip the
> group install as an installation technique>

Packages that are optional and installed along with `with-optional` switch
could be skipped if they get into conflict with other packages. This feature
is in DNF for ~year. You can go with just mandatory packages and then install
the rest when you need them.


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