Install packages with just what is needed

anlarye anlarye at
Sat Nov 28 16:02:19 UTC 2015

I was looking at that site just a few moments ago. One of the packages dnf
(the replacement for yum) states is required at install is Kate4-part which
isn't listed on the pkgs site for the RPM. Also according to kvirc's
website, as of version 2.0 KDE is completely optional. Of course the qt gui
toolkit is required, since kvirc is built on it.

So per the RPM pkg, this is required:

BuildRequires:    kdelibs4-devel audiofile-devel glib2-devel
BuildRequires:    python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed dbus-devel
BuildRequires:    cmake desktop-file-utils gettext doxygen graphviz
BuildRequires:    libv4l-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel
BuildRequires:    qt-webkit-devel

Requires(post):   /sbin/ldconfig
Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig
%{?_kde4_version:Requires: kdelibs4%{?_isa} >= %{_kde4_version}}

Per "dnf install kvirc" these are required:

OpenEXR-libs                  x86_64     2.2.0-4.fc23
     fedora      643 k
 attica                        x86_64     0.4.2-8.fc23
       fedora      208 k
 audiofile                     x86_64     1:0.3.6-9.fc23
       updates     132 k
 breeze-cursor-theme           noarch     5.4.3-5.fc23
       updates     244 k
 breeze-icon-theme             noarch     5.16.0-2.fc23
      updates     2.7 M
 dbusmenu-qt                   x86_64     0.9.3-0.10.20150604.fc23
       fedora       93 k
 docbook-dtds                  noarch     1.0-64.fc23
      fedora      380 k
 docbook-style-xsl             noarch     1.78.1-4.fc23
      fedora      2.0 M
 exiv2-libs                    x86_64     0.25-1.fc23
      fedora      1.5 M
 herqq                         x86_64     1.0.0-10.fc23
      fedora      354 k
 ilmbase                       x86_64     2.2.0-4.fc23
       fedora      106 k
 kate4-part                    x86_64     4.14.3-15.fc23
       fedora      1.9 M
 kde-apps-rpm-macros           noarch     6:4.14.14-1.fc23
       updates      11 k
 kde-l10n                      noarch     15.08.2-1.fc23
       updates      20 k
 kde-settings                  noarch     23-8.fc23
      updates      51 k
 kdelibs                       x86_64     6:4.14.14-1.fc23
       updates      12 M
 kdelibs-common                x86_64     6:4.14.14-1.fc23
       updates     1.9 M
 kdelibs-ktexteditor           x86_64     6:4.14.14-1.fc23
       updates      81 k
 kdelibs-webkit                x86_64     6:4.14.14-1.fc23
       updates      64 k
 kvirc                         x86_64     4.2.0-16.fc23
      fedora      5.5 M
 libiodbc                      x86_64     3.52.7-9.fc23
      fedora      186 k
 libqzeitgeist                 x86_64     0.8.0-14.fc23
      fedora       76 k
 media-player-info             noarch     22-1.fc23
      fedora       69 k
 phonon                        x86_64     4.8.3-7.fc23
       fedora      204 k
 phonon-backend-gstreamer      x86_64     2:4.8.2-5.fc23
       fedora      147 k
 polkit-qt                     x86_64     0.112.0-5.fc23
       fedora       77 k
 proj                          x86_64     4.9.1-3.fc23
       fedora      209 k
 qca                           x86_64     2.1.0-14.fc23
      fedora      453 k
 qt-mobility-common            x86_64
1.2.2-0.21.20140317git169da60c.fc23     fedora       40 k
 qt-mobility-location          x86_64
1.2.2-0.21.20140317git169da60c.fc23     fedora      584 k
 qt-mobility-sensors           x86_64
1.2.2-0.21.20140317git169da60c.fc23     fedora      125 k
 qtsoap                        x86_64     2.7-11.fc23
      fedora       82 k
 qtwebkit                      x86_64     2.3.4-8.fc23
       fedora       10 M
 redland-virtuoso              x86_64     1.0.17-4.fc23
      fedora       33 k
 sgml-common                   noarch     0.6.3-43.fc23
      fedora       59 k
 shared-desktop-ontologies     noarch     0.11.0-4.fc23
      fedora      117 k
 soprano                       x86_64     2.9.4-8.fc23
       fedora      630 k
 strigi-libs                   x86_64     0.7.8-11.fc23
      fedora      454 k

On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Michael Schwendt <mschwendt at>

> On Sat, 28 Nov 2015 09:07:57 -0600, anlarye wrote:
> > ​Is there a way to install a package with just the bare minimum required
> > packages?
> You may want to learn about runtime requirements and RPM package
> dependencies
> before starting a topic with such a question.
> > I am running a XFCE spin of Fedora 23. I wanted to install kvirc on the
> > box. But when I go through dnf install kvirc, the list ends up being
> about
> > 38 additional packages. I doubt that all of them are needed for kvirc to
> > run.
> >
> > So how do I get kvirc and just what it needs in order to work properly?
> What does it need?
> How do you tell?
> Let's take a brief look at the packages:
>   Information for RPM kvirc-4.2.0-16.fc23.x86_64.rpm
> Scroll a bit down to the column (at the left side) which says "Requires".
> Almost all of those are automatic dependencies on shared libraries required
> at runtime. The package tools find the packages which provide those
> "things"
> the kvirc package requires. Look at the package source file:
> It adds no manual dependencies. There are no "explicit Requires" tags in
> the
> spec file except for a conditional line to require a minimum version of
> KDE 4.
> So, which dependencies do you think are _not_ needed?
> Perhaps you have in mind libraries, which may be searched for at runtime
> and would
> be linked with only when the program wants to call out to the library
> interface
> actually?
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