F22 and missing font Courier New 10

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at greshko.com
Fri Oct 30 00:32:33 UTC 2015

On 10/30/2015 07:35 AM, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> I created a new install of F22 64 and to my surprise the 'courier New
> 10' is missing from Libreoffice.  Does anyone have an rpm replacement. 
>  I have a bunch of documents that use this font and would like to
> continue it.  There are some other fonts that are close, but none that
> is an exact duplicate which means the formatting will need to be
> different on the new or edited old documents.

On my F22 system under Libreoffice I see...

Courier New
Courier 10 Pitch

I know that I got the "Courier New" fonts by installing the
msttcorefonts package that needs to be built and installed manually.

And I think xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 gave me "Courier 10 Pitch".

I think you're saying you have a "Courier New 10" listed previously?  Do
you know what package gave that to you?

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