new problem with CUPS-PDF

Gary Stainburn gary.stainburn at
Fri Sep 11 12:42:53 UTC 2015

On Friday 11 September 2015 13:16:04 Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 09/11/15 17:06, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest how I can do the same thing with CUPS-PDF?
> Looking at the various options and checking what others have said it seems
> not possible out of the box since everything is pretty much hardwired.
> The one solution that someone came up with was to modify the source.

Hi Ed,  Thanks for this, I'll look into that as my next option.

I'm currently looking at

I've only just started work on this but so far I've got the following.  I'll 
let you know how I get on.

lpadmin -p tofile -E -v socket://localhost:12000 -m raw



use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

use IO::Socket::INET;
my $myport=12000;
my $pname='default';
my $dirname='/var/spool/cups-pdf/inet';
my $debug=1;

if (!GetOptions('p|port=i'=>\$myport,'d|
dir=s'=>\$dirname,'printer=s'=>\$pname,'D|Debug'=>\$debug)) {
 die "$0 invalid usage";
if (! -e $dirname) {
  mkdir($dirname) || die "Cannot create spool directory: $!\n";
if (! -d $dirname) {
  die "Spool directory is not a directory";
open (J,">$dirname/$$") ||die "Cannot create files in the spool directory: $!

my $pserve=IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => 
$myport,Type=>SOCK_STREAM,Reuse=>1,Listen=>1) or die "can't do that $!\n";
while (my $pjob=$pserve->accept()) {
  my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
  my $ts=sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d',$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,
  my $fname="$dirname/$ts_$";
  open(J,">$fname") or print "having issues $!\n";
  while (<$pjob>) {
    print J "$_";
  close J;
  close $pjob;
  if (-e "/usr/local/bin/perlCupsFilter_$pname") {
    system("/usr/local/bin/perlCupsFilter_$pname") || warn "Unable to start 
filter: $!\n";
  } else {
    system("/usr/local/bin/perlCupsFilter $pname") || warn "Unable to start 
filter: $!\n";

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